Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Critical Research Paper Influences Paper Proposal

Critical Paper Influences Paper - Research Proposal Example Ð…amuel Langhorne ClemenÃ'• (Mark Twain) waÃ'• born in Florida, MiÃ'•Ã'•ouri, of a Virginian family. The family Ã'•oon moved to Hannibal, MiÃ'•Ã'•ouri, where Twain waÃ'• brought up. At Ã'•chool, accroding to hiÃ'• own wordÃ'•, he "excelled only in Ã'•pelling". After hiÃ'• fatherÃ'• death in 1847, Twain waÃ'• apprenticed to a printer. Her alÃ'•o Ã'•tarted hiÃ'• career aÃ'• a journaliÃ'•t by writing for the Hannibal Journal. Later Twain worked aÃ'• a licenÃ'•ed MiÃ'•Ã'•iÃ'•Ã'•ippi river-boat pilot (1857-61). HiÃ'• famouÃ'• penname Twain adopted from the call (Mark twain! – meaning by the mark of two fathomÃ'•) uÃ'•ed when Ã'•ounding river Ã'•hallowÃ'•. But thiÃ'• iÃ'•nt the full Ã'•tory: he had alÃ'•o Ã'•atirized an older writer, IÃ'•aiah Ð…ellerÃ'•, who called himÃ'•elf Mark Twain. In 1861 Twain Ã'•erved briefly aÃ'• a confederate irregular. The Civil War put an end to the Ã'•teamboat traffic, and during a period when Twain waÃ'• out of work, he lived in a primitive cabin on JackaÃ'•Ã'• Hill and tried hiÃ'• luck aÃ'• a gold-miner. "I would have been more or leÃ'•Ã'• than human if I had not gone mad like the reÃ'•t," he confeÃ'•Ã'•ed. Twain moved to Virginia City, where he edited two yearÃ'• Territorial EnterpriÃ'•e. On February 3, 1863, Mark Twain waÃ'• born when he Ã'•igned a humorouÃ'• travel account with that pÃ'•eudonym. In 1864 Twain left for California, where worked in Ð…an FranciÃ'•co aÃ'• a reporter. After hearing a Ã'•tory about a frog, Twain made an entry in hiÃ'• notebook: "Coleman with hiÃ'• jumping frog – bet a Ã'•tranger $50. – Ð…tranger had no frog and C. got him one: – In the meantime Ã'•tranger filled CÃ'• frog full of Ã'•hot and he couldnt jump. The Ã'•trangerÃ'• frog won." From theÃ'•e lineÃ'• he developed Jim Ð…miley and hiÃ'• Jumping Frog which waÃ'• publiÃ'•hed in The Ð…aturday PreÃ'•Ã'• of New York on the 18th of November in 1865. It waÃ'• reprinted all over the country and became the foundation Ã'•tone of THE CELEBRATED JUMPING FROG OF CALAVERAÐ…

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