Thursday, December 12, 2019

Essay About Racism In America Example For Students

Essay About Racism In America If someone asked you what it would be like to live in a perfect world,how would you reply? Many people might say something like, A place withoutand arguments or fighting. Others might say A place where there is notpollution. But, has anyone one ever thought to say, A place withoutracism.? For some Americans, racism has never even crossed their minds. Forothers, it is something they have to live with everyday. In some societies inAmerica, racism isnt even a factor, all citizens of the community get along. But, in other societies, racism is a case that could be life threatening. Racism, in definition, is the belief that humanity is divided into stratifiedgenetically different socks called races; according to its adherentsracial differences make one group superior to another. (Ethics; Walker,Randolph Meade, 722) If you are a racist, you believe in racism. Racists willoften claim that members of their own race or minority are mentally,physically, morally and/or culturally superior to those of other races. (TheWorld Book Encyclopedia; Pettigrew, Thomas F., 62) For these reasons, manyracists think they deserve special rights or privileges. The Bill of Rights waswritten a little under 200 years ago, yet controlling racism in America is stilla task no one can seem to over take. In South Carolina, a Confederate flag stillwaves high over the capitol for everyone to see. Is the kind of example we wantto set for the youth of America? To people in Europe, Asia, and on othercontinents, America is a wonderful place to live. It has been said to be oneof the greatest natio ns on earth. (Nova; Marshall, Christopher) Yet, ourstruggle to regulate all of our citizens is a revolutionary war that has yet toand probably will never be won. Slavery is said to be one of the greatest racialtragedies to ever happen in America. Upon the entrance of this new millenium,slavery and racism is still practiced in America. White Americans have theirforefathers to blame for the hatred and anger they have in their heartsconcerning races different from theirs. What is said to be the God-givenright to equality and ultimate freedom (Nova; Marshall, Christopher) has beencrushed for many, by the uncited ignorance of my ?finely educated people. Racists often need someone to blame for the wrong-doings, hatred and stupidityin America. Who better to blame than someone with skin of a different color?Racism is just another form of prejudice. If a person or group of people acts ordresses differently, these people may get distrusted or disowned. Many people donot recognize the good qualities that another group possess. White Americans arethe main directors of racism against ethnic minority groups. Most whiteAmericans are unaware of how self destructive racism can be. (Nova; Marshall,Christopher) Does America need an AWAKENING? Would it do any good? If you wereto put yourself in the shoes of an African American, an American Indian, aPuerto Ricanyou might say that American is in definite a major make-overconcerning all races. Two white students were suspended for assaulting AfricanAmerican students at Millard High School in Omaha, Neb. And a third whitestudent was threatened by other whites for associating with the schools 25blacks. (CQ Researcher; Phillips, Susan, 3) Are you ready for that make-over?Many white students, for example, believe that blacks now have equal access to acollege education (CQ Researcher; Phillips, Susan, 4) Or do you thinkeveryone is over reacting on this whole issue? A real issue some people have,concerns the police and reporters. Reporters often use the terms allegedkilling and alleged racism in their columns. Since when has abeheading been known as anything else other than murderyou dontaccidentally behead someone (Media Watch; Boyce, Kesha) With the policeinvestigating whether this is a hate crime or not has made manynon-racists and African Americans quite angry. Since when has two white mendousing a black man with gasoline and setting him on fire not been a hatecrime (Media Watch; Boyce, Kesha) I just want you to know, as you arefinishing reading this report-I did not write it to change your mind or make youbiased in one way or another toward racism. I just wanted open your eyes t o someof the disturbing things going on in your great nation, and possibly right inyour own back yard, at your childs school, even in your workplace. Shootingshappen everyday, but beheadings dont. If this is supposed to be the year whenAmerica and everybody is supposed to re-evaluate the issues of racethenwhat the heck is going on (Media Watch; Boyce, Kesha) Are your eyes openwide?

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